Facebook to real-money lauch slots, poker and bingo apps

Discussion in 'General Mobile Betting Discussion' started by Sebastian, Aug 16, 2012.

  1. Sebastian

    Sebastian Administrator Staff Member

    According to this report by CNBC, Facebook are looking to enter the mobile gambling market in an effort to boost their revenues. This comes hot on the heals of the announcement by Zynga that they will also be launching the real-money mobile gaming market in 2013.

    The article also points out that Facebook still faces certain hurdles and obstacles, including the U.S.'s strict anti-gambling regulations, which will prohibit Facebook from offering cash game casino apps to their United States players. Since regulations differ from country to country, offering applications that allow players to stake real money could be a legal minefield for Facebook.
  2. Mr Ellen

    Mr Ellen Member

    The United States is by far Facebook's biggest market so I'm not sure if they will generate enough revenue from gambling apps to stop their plummeting share price. I've a hunch that gambling applications will not get the green light in the United States for many years.
  3. Becky

    Becky New Member

    According to this BBC report Facebook have already added a real-money bingo app called Bingo Friendzy. At the moment it can only be played in the United Kingdom where Facebook claim gaming apps operate in a well regulated gambling market.

    According to the article Facebook normally take 30% of gaming revenue but they refuse to say what cut they are taking from this bingo game. The fact that they refuse to divulge the information suggests to me that it must be above 30%.
  4. Tassie

    Tassie New Member

    The regular Facebook app is awful to use so I can't see them being able to develop any kind of gaming app that anyone would want to play,
  5. Sebastian

    Sebastian Administrator Staff Member

    I totally agree that the current Facebook app is woeful but I think Mark Zuckerberg would agree with your also. Facebook will be replacing their current web based app shortly with a new and improved version.
  6. Sebastian

    Sebastian Administrator Staff Member

    888 have withdrawn their Magic888 casino apps from 888 because they didn't prove as popular as expected. 888 are one of the world's largest internet gambling companies so if they can't get real money gambling to work on Facebook it much surely cast doubt on whether gambling will ever be profitable on the social network.
  7. Mr Ellen

    Mr Ellen Member

    Forget about regular online casinos and poker rooms, when are Facebook going to develop us a virtual gambling environment with Oculus Rift?
  8. Dice Man

    Dice Man Member

    I think Facebook may be regretting paying over a billion dollars for Oculus Rift. Other tech companies have been able to build superior products for a fraction of the cost.
  9. Ana

    Ana Member

    Hello this is Ana, newbie here. Well i think facebook does not need to have to do anything of this. They are earning good with adds.

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