Has anyone had any luck using the William Hill Shake-A-Bet app?

Discussion in 'Mobile Sports Betting' started by Timmy Mallet, May 3, 2012.

  1. Timmy Mallet

    Timmy Mallet New Member

    Has anyone ever won any money using the William Hill Shake-a-bet app? It seems like a pretty crazy concept to me. It basically just picks a random sport for you to bet on but it doesn't seem to use any stats or form guides. Maybe someone can explain the concept better to me but is this just a gimmick to make you place stupid bets?
  2. Dice Man

    Dice Man Member

    It is a rather curious app. It says in it's sales blurb that "This isn’t a random selection. It will only choose things that plenty of people are already betting on" What exactly does that mean? If lots of people are betting that Wayne Rooney will score the first goal in the next game against Chelsea, will it also offer me that betting option or will it just randomly select a player in that game who might also score the first goal?
  3. Timmy Mallet

    Timmy Mallet New Member

    When they say it isn't random I think they mean that they're not going to offer you odds on a lacrosse game in Las Angeles if you live in Liverpool. They'll select a sporting event closer to home but after that I think it will be completely random. You have as much chance of winning using this app as you would by closing your eyes and randomly selecting a team from the league table.
  4. Wolf Pack

    Wolf Pack New Member

    I used it a couple of times just for fun. If you think it's going to make you any money then you need to have your head examined :)

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