I've noticed that more and more poker and casino apps are being released for Androids that use Adobe AIR. The new Unibet poker app runs on Adobe AIR and so does the 23 new casino games released by All Slots Casino. To get these to work you just need to install the free Adobe AIR app from Google Play. I did a search in the App Store but I wasn't able to find an Adobe AIR app there. Are Adobe going to release a version for the iOS? I'd love to be able to try out the these new poker apps and casino games on my iPad.
I think apps are already being developed for the iPhone and iPad using Adobe Air. These apps will run on any iOS devices without the need for any kind of Adobe AIR plugin. The problem is that Apple won't allow most of these gambling apps into the app store because of legal reasons.
The problem with Adobe Air is that is doesn't come preinstalled with most smartphones, including iPhone, Android or Nokia Lumia Windows devices. This means that mobile poker rooms and casinos have to ask their new players to install this additional software before they can play their games. This extra step may be enough for many new potential gamers to look elsewhere so I can't see Adobe Air succeeding when poker, blackjack, slots or roulette apps can be developed using HTML5 which doesn't require any special software to be preinstalled.