32Red Mobile Casino get Apple approval for first every real money Blackjack app

Discussion in 'Mobile Casino Games' started by Dice Man, May 5, 2012.

  1. Dice Man

    Dice Man Member

    I wasn't sure if this day would every come but Apple have finally approved a couple of real money casino apps for the App Store. 32Red have become the first online casino to get a real money Blackjack app and a Tomb Raider game into the App Store.

    The iPhone Blackjack app is a slightly snazzier version of the online version that has been available for a while now. The Tomb Raider is a fifteen payline slot machine with five reels.

    Hopefully we'll see plenty of other real money casino apps in the App Store before long.
  2. Lizzy

    Lizzy New Member

    WOW, brilliant news. I've been searching for both of those apps but I can't find them in the App Store. What should I be searching for?
  3. Dice Man

    Dice Man Member

    Whoops!! Should have mentioned these apps are currently only available from the App Store in the United Kingdom but I'm sure they will be approved in other countries in the near future. When the Bwin poker app was released last year it could only be downloaded from the UK App Store but now it's available in about 20 European countries. I'd expect the Red32 casino apps to follow a similar trajectory.

    The App Store versions are very similar to the current web versions for iPhones so if you don't live in the UK it's no big deal. Just visit their website and download the web apps.
  4. Sebastian

    Sebastian Administrator Staff Member

    The best thing about the current generation of iPhone casino games is that you no longer need to download them as apps. You can just play from your Safari browser and all the games are identical. These are particularly useful if you live in the United States as there are no restriction on playing real-money casino games on any type of iPhone, BlackBerry, Droid or Nokia Windows Phone. If you live in the USA you should read this discussion thread where US residents discuss which US mobile casino is best.

    Our casino page also has some excellent recommendations http://www.iphonebettingapps.com/casinos.html

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